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The Real Ghost Stories

Life In The Country 

In 1999, my family (my stepfather, my mom, my four sisters, and I) moved out into the country outside of Merkel, Texas (my little brother came along a few months later

Actually, he's the reason we moved out there

We'd been living in a cramped apartment, and my stepfather always wanted to live in the country). On the first night, 18 March 1999, we hadn't moved our things in all the way, yet, so I was sleeping on my floor on some blankets

As I was laying there, feeling odd in a new house and uncomfortable laying on the floor, I felt a presence

I rolled over and looked at the door and saw a figure standing there

When we lived in the apartment, my stepfather would often come and check on us to make sure we were alright, so I assumed that was him and closed my eyes. The next morning I asked him how he was able to be so energetic since he was up at 3am checking on us

He looked confused and said that he had been so exhausted from the move that he was out before we were and didn't wake up until my mom woke him up that morning. We soon got the rest of our stuff moved in and on 24 June 1999, my little brother was born

We spent a lot of sleepless nights after that, because he would cry all night long nearly every night

Not little cries, like loud wailing that you could hear from the other side of the house. One night, I took the pillow off from over my head for a minute to roll over, and I saw the figure again

Again, I thought it was Wayne, forgetting what he had said last time

Of course, he said he was out all night that night, so maybe it was him

Only it wasn't, because he was working late that night and I heard hm get home an hour later. One night, about a year later

I was walking down the hall to my room during a thunderstorm

As I was going down the hall, lightening flashed, and I saw a body hanging from a noose from the ceiling

When the light from the lightning faded, the figure was done and I picked myself up off the ground slowly, obviously shaken. In 2003, my family left one night to go to the store, and I chose to stay home because I was reading

I know for a fact I was home alone, because I saw my family get into the car and drive off

I was sitting in the recliner in the living room

When you sat on the recliner, you could see the corner to the hallway from the corner of your eye

As I was reading, I got the creepy feeling I was being watched. I looked up and saw something in the corner of my eye, at the hallway

I saw the face of a girl, and the moment I looked, she pulled her head back

She didn't disappear, she pulled her head back, as though she was a living person and was trying to play Peek-a-Boo

I jumped up off the recliner and ran to the hallway

No one was there

The doors were closed
